Cows over Vitebsk by Marc Chagall. 1966 (source)
Hello dear friends and readers,
I'm inviting you to join our 4th
WRITE AND LINK, the unique link-up party for creative writers. If you're a writer, feel free to write a story (1000 words is only a guideline, it can be shorter or longer) in which you incorporate the phrase of the month. For our August stories, it is
"...Because everyone knows..." Let your imagination go wild, unleash your creativity, write from your very heart - then post it in your blog and link back to this post.
WRITE AND LINK is a once a month link up and stays open for about a week, till September 1st, so you still have time to write your story. If you're a reader, you have a truly unique chance to see how stories are born, literally from nothingness, into a complete piece of art, in only about a month. You have a unique chance to see how different writers interpret the same phrase and what it brings out of them. Please support your friends and fellow bloggers by reading and leaving a comment, we all feel a bit wobbly in the beginning of a new creative journey and we do appreciate your support very much!
As I mentioned last month, I separated my creative writing from my style/travel/life impressions/thoughts blog, and am happy that I did so. So you will find my story in the link below, along with other writers' links. A few bloggers also created special blogs for their creative writing, because our creativity deserves a special place, in the world or in our virtual home. If you're new to In the Writer's Closet, or somehow missed when I announced the launch of my daily prompts, please make sure to check out
Rise and Write which is a daily writing sketches link-up on my creativity blog -
Out of the Writer's Closet. We're completing our first month of daily writings now. I'm pondering new ideas for writing challenges, but we'll see what the future brings.
Happy writing and reading everyone!
A phrase for September stories:
"As leaves turned yellow..."