Thursday, August 1, 2019

Modish Matrons #38: MM do Africa

When it comes to Modish Matrons themes, I try not to get ahead of myself - I only look at the list of themes (which my friends and I prepared a year in advance) about a week before it's time to post. That way, there is a good chance that I forget what theme is coming next and look at it with fresh eyes, to engage my playful side. Still, often I remember vaguely what themes are coming. But not this time! This month, I actually really did completely forget that Tina offered to take us on a style journey to Africa!

Please visit my friends TINA UND BEATE for their creative take on the theme!

What was even stranger, I realized that I had already created an African outfit and even had a little photo session just a couple of days earlier. Perhaps my memory erased Africa, but subconsciously I've never forgotten about it? Thanks, my subconscious self, for looking out for me! Perhaps, just as a loving parent, you do it quite a lot when my mind spends too much time worrying about things which don't even matter, or when it's busy playing. 

I added this fun skirt by Eloquii to my wardrobe about a year ago, but it was the first time I wore it. I love the pattern play - what looks like a combination of zebra and giraffe prints from a distance, are actually images of zebras and abstract giraffes when you look up-close. Very clever! The black cotton top is this year's purchase. I wanted something basic, which would be easy to pair with different skirts or pants, yet not boring, and that was it. The combination of peplum, front buttons, and ties on sleeves sold it to me. I just added a black and white stripy hat, comfy sandals, my favorite amber necklace and my favorite rust leather purse - all of which you've seen before.

The photo opportunity presented itself as Justin and I went to see Dame Judi Dench in All Is True in a little cinema in Tacoma. If you're not familiar with this 2018 film, it's the Kenneth Branagh's touching and thought-provoking portrait of the Bard, exploring subjects of creativity, love and family. 

I loved that the roof garden (the building opposite to the cinema) provided us with an improvised little jungle, while the zebra crossing and calla lilies unexpectedly added to the exotic theme. Shakespeare, Judi Dench and Africa in Tacoma? Sure! But only at Modish Matrons!

Photos by Justin

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Now let's see what my friends came up with, and what you're wearing this August!


  1. The Modish Matrons really bring it all together, dear Natalia - Africa-felling, an interesting movie day, Judi Dench, Shekespeare ... WOW! I didn't know the movie "All is True" yet, but now I've seen the trailer. Many thanks for the movie tip. I never would have recognized Kenneth Branagh!
    I didn't even see the giraffes in your skirt at first. It was only through your reference that I realized. I really like your outfit - you know I love Africa, African animals, African Style, African prints... - it's a beautiful skirt and a very versatile shirt, matching accessories, the African Queen is ready :-)
    Hugs and Happy August, Traude

    1. Thank you, dear Traude! If there is a Queen of Africa, then it's YOU!
      I think you will enjoy the movie, it gives lots of food for thought, and brings lots of feelings...
      Warmest hugs!

  2. Natalia you look amazing! I am totally in love with your zebra skirt. You had it in your closet for one year without wearing? Yeah I am happy to chose this africa theme and this skirt comes out of the closet :))
    I think like Traude, you are the african Queen!;)
    Much love Tina

    1. You see what things you are capable of getting out of the closet, my dear? All thanks to you! :) Much love!

  3. love your comfy tropical outfit!!
    and the skirt comes really to shine with some wind****** can´t believe you wear it for the first time since 1 year - such a great piece - and actually very versatile - i think....
    the movie sounds interesting!
    so gorgeous to see you again - my beautiful friend. love your little hands - so cute!
    <3 <3 <3
    tons of hugs! xxxxxx

    1. Come to think of it, I probably wore it once or twice last Summer... sometimes I forget if I don't photograph outfits. :) Thank you, my dear! I am glad that we traveled to Africa once again! Lots of love!

  4. Love your seredipitous African outfit, Natalia. What an amazing print that skirt has! Love those fiery calla lilies and the zebra crossing reference is just genius! That movie sounds really interesting, I will look out for it! Hugest of hugs xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind words, my dear Ann! I hope you enjoy the movie! Much love!

  5. You African styling is absolutely perfect. You look fabulous stylish, very pretty, feminine and chic. I really like your necklace as well. The urban jungle garden is so pretty, thanks for sharing. I really don't take advantage of my balcony, it's big and I could plan a little urban garden there myself, I always admired them. How lovely that you plan your themes a year in advance. Reading your views on it, I think you might be right. You might have forgotten that the African theme is an upcoming one, but your subconscious mind remember. I found that this often happens to me. Funny how the subconscious mind works, isn't it?

    I love your zebra and giraffe maxi skirt so much. I didn't notice right away that the zebra print was in fact made from many zebras but once you pointed it out, I could see them. That's really clever. Such an adorable print! The only African print that I have in my closet that I can remember from the top of my head is a pair of heels with a giraffe pattern. Maybe I will wear them for some photos and join the link up, or link up some other outfit. I would love to join in.

    I think I would enjoy the film. Thank you for the recommendation. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I wish you a fantastic summer ahead.

  6. That skirt is absolutely fabulous - I didn't notice the print at first, I was too busy admiring those signature Natalia colours and the perfect fit.
    Love Justin's shot of you in action and that gorgeous lily.
    When I was clearing out my parents' house I found the programme for a production of Hamlet I saw at the RSC in Stratford-Upon-Avon back when I was 18 (Stratford is just down the road from Walsall) - I never realised that it had featured a young Kenneth Branagh in the starring role, he was unknown then! xxx

  7. What a lovely inspiring theme and what a fab outfit you wore!. Love your skirt and its Real Zebra Print, totally my kind of print. And your accessorizing is brilliant, the bag, the pendant and hat, everything enhances the fab zebra motive!
