Thursday, August 27, 2020

Transition Made Easy: 7 Outfits for 7th Blogiversary

It's hard to believe at times that I've been writing this blog for almost exactly 7 years (the actual anniversary is in early September). When I look back to these 7 years, I remember them with a fond heart, and I feel a little sad that I don't seem to find time for blogging these days. I certainly didn't loose interest in dressing up, and hopefully I'll continue taking pictures of my future outfits and posting them on a regular basis some day. But before I can do that, I'm in a transitional period - I'm not where I used to be any more, and not where I want to arrive yet. Which is an interesting place to be! Today, in honor of my upcoming 7 year Blogiversary, I went through my blog to find some of my favorite transitional outfits which I'm happy to share with you just as a reminder to myself and my readers that transitions don't have to be hard or boring. Let's see how we can play with them!

The two easiest ways to create an effective transitional outfit, I think, are these: 

wearing everything long, just like I did on the opening photo. All I've done was add a long sleeve top to my wide linen trousers, and voila! Cool evenings, the first sign of Autumn in our climate, didn't bother me.

adding a lightweight jacket to a summer dress as I did on the photo above. That day, I was wearing a sundress, but the linen jacket added an additional layer to protect my bare shoulders from getting shivers.

Photo above: wearing summer cotton pants and long sleeve top again, a combination which is great for both Summer (sun protection) and transitional period (cool air or breeze). I'm still proud of the pattern mix on that one.

Photo below: wearing a dress with an elbow length sleeve, layered with a long denim jacket (thrifted). And my summer sandals (the same pair as in outfit #2) got an additional layer too - sparkly socks!

The next outfit is somewhat similar to the previous one, but instead of an informal denim coat, I wore a sleeveless long jacket over a long sleeved dress, and my toes were hidden in ballet shoes. Simple, elegant, versatile, transitional!

Photo below: similarly to the outfit #2, I wear a sundress and lined linen jacket here. Love this outfit, would wear it today too!

For the final look, I chose this crazily striped outfit with a jumpsuit and light cardigan. As days get shorter and the possibility of rain gets higher, I would recommend to wear booties and remember to catch a stylish umbrella before you leave home!

Whatever the weather and circumstances are, let us remember that life is always a combination of stillness/sameness/stability/routine/repetition and CHANGE. And a change starts with a transitional period, when all is not quite as it seems, everything is pretty much up in the air, providing us with great opportunity to improvise and to not take ourselves too seriously.

Lots of love,

Photos by Justin 


  1. Happy blogyversary Natalia! 🌸🥂
    I love each of your stylings, but the red dress is soooooooo gorgeous! 😄
    I wish you a good time.
    Lots of love and a huge hug Tina

    1. Thank you, dear Tina!! You would rock this red dress, I think it's very you!
      Much love!

  2. Congratulations on your almost 7th Blogiversary, Natalia! I'm always pleased to see one of your posts pop up and I live in hope that one day soon you'll find more time to take up blogging on a more regular basis again. But that's what happens, I guess, sometimes one is in transition and the journey takes on off-course for a while. I remember all those gorgeous transitional outfits from first time around, but it's a pleasure to see them appear here again. Autumnal shades definitely suit you, and that vibrant red is stunning on you! Lots of love and hugest of virtual hugs xxx

  3. I'm so happy to see another post from you. These transitional outfits are so times and beautiful. One can really feel your joy for life in them if you know what I mean. There is something very cheerful about them and every outfit sends of good vibes. There is really more to clothes than just clothes, it is also about how they make us feel. I have two favs here, one is the red outfit and the other is the striped one.
    Happy blogging anniversary and many happy returns.

    1. Thank you, dear Ivana! I'm happy to hear from you, miss you all! Much love!

  4. Happiest of Blogoversaries, Natalia! I can't believe it's been 7 years, where has the time gone?
    A wonderful recap of outfits, I hope you find the time to start blogging regularly again. xxx

    1. Thank you, dear Vix! It's been a great fun to get to know you and be a part of the blogging community - or Bloglandia as I like calling it! Cheers! <3

  5. I'm so happy to see this, Natalia. I love all these outfits and and your transition ideas and I especially love the red dress which would happy up any day any time. I particularly like your last paragraph - seeing CHANGE and the transition time as a "great opportunity to improvise and not take ourselves too seriously". I've been taking myself too seriously lately and I needed to hear this. I love my clothes too - today I'm wearing one of my best dresses when I'm planning to stay home all day and relax, read and cook a little. Congratulations on seven years of blogging. I've loved every bit of it.
    xo karen

    1. Thank you so much, Karen! I love hearing from you, and it warms my heart to know that my words touched you. I write these reminders to myself as much as my readers because some things are pretty universal, like taking ourselves too seriously at times. :) I'm mad about red dresses at the moment, so there are a few new friends in my collection. <3

  6. Oh, congrats! Happy bloggyversary. Thanks for all the impressions. They are always special as you are. Hopefully all the family is fine. Send hugs, Sunni

    1. Dear Sunni, thank you for your kind words! All is well, and I hope you are well too, as is your wonderful family! <3

  7. in this moment i realised that i postet first in february 2013 - so 7 years too! where is all that time gone?!
    love your "transitionel" outfits - actually a jacket or coat do make a dress into an outfit - is´t it? i remember most of the looks - esp. the pattern mix with the red/white folk print pants - indeed something very cool!
    around here evenings always get cold - the forests around are cooling - a 2. layer is mostly in need even after the hottest summer day.
    as for beeing in transition - my whole life feels like that after i fled my dull childhood......... i seem never to settle down in earnest - its always someting new around the corner :-D

    1. Thank you, Beate! Happy to hear from you!

      If I remember right, many of our blogging friends started right about that time, some a bit earlier, some a bit later - there was definitely something in the atmosphere that brought us all together. I love our blogging sisterhood and hope to continue growing together despite some life interruptions at times. :)

      Yes, a second layer does make an outfit, that's exactly it, we don't need to immediately switch to a whole new wardrobe when the weather gets cooler (and you know this big secret better than most! ;)). Like yours, our climate also calls for a second layer in Summer in the evenings here by the forest and a huge "pool", but if in July you can fake it, by the end of August it's a bit too chilly...

      I think that for various reasons there are some of us who seem to thrive in transitional periods and even look for them. I know I need change from time to time, it helps me to stay healthy.

      Lots of love!
