Friday, February 1, 2019

Modish Matrons #32: Knits

As always, my friends Tina, Beate and I welcome a new month with a new style theme, and February we dedicated to KNITS as it was Tina's turn and her inspiration. We've done knits last year as well, and back then I chose my favorite knitted items: long cardigans and a knit skirt (click HERE to see). This time, I knew I wanted to do something different, and at first, I turned to my favorite knit dresses, or sweater dresses as they are often called. But at the end decided to do something else instead...

Are you wondering where imagination took my friends? I am! Let's visit TINA and BEATE to see their fun cozy knits and even a bit of snow!

No snow in my part of the world - in fact, this Winter is pretty mild, and camellia started blooming unusually early this year, Justin found the first flower in mid-January! As you can tell, I decided to wear a sweater and dress it up a bit. Sweaters are often perceived as a warm necessity rather than a stylish choice, but we can learn to look at sweaters differently. A sweater in a fun knit pattern (and one of the hottest trends too), color and shape is already a statement, but dressed up with fake furs, and doubled (or even tripled) on animal print, it becomes an event! 

All of the items I mixed here have been in my closet for a while, absolutely nothing is new, and you've seen most of them. The sweater and skirt are from Target, last year I believe (last shown in JAN 2018 and DEC 2017). Both purses are thrifted (red purse last shown in SEPT 2018). The large fur stole is from a sweater I own for years, and the smaller fur collar was bought on sale as a fun accessory also a few years back. I showed the Joe Browns jacket just recently in DEC 2018, and my yellow enameled earrings are vintage, bought at Goodwill.

It was pure fun to create this outfit, and I thank my friends again for collaborating with me on our monthly project. Modish Matrons forever!! Honestly, it's too easy to take a familiar route with pretty much anything in life, and style is no exception. We are creatures of habits, of course, and nothing's wrong with that. But it feels so good to come out and play, create something new over and over again, like this outfit, created from all familiar things, combined in a new way. I had an idea to wear this snake print green faux leather skirt with this leopard knit sweater, but I haven't done it till now, thanks to Tina's theme. And the rest of the details came together spontaneously and intuitively. 

I hope you enjoy our theme and join us for the link-up which will be open for the whole month. There are still plenty of cold days left this year - just right for playing with fun cozy knits!

Linking with Patti's Visible Monday


  1. Natalia I love this combination and our modish matrons "meetings" :)
    It's great so see, how wonderful you play with clothes. It is always a surprise and a good inspiration for me. ❤️
    A very huge hug and much much love Tina

  2. What a wonderfully creative outfit, Natalia. It's true that it's always easy to take the familiar road, but then again it's so much more fulfilling to open our minds to new possibilities. To let our imagination take over and create something extraordinary, something we'd never thought we would do, or wear, in this case. Love how you paired two different animal prints, and piled the fake furs on top. Your layering and mixing skills are very accomplished. Hugest of hugs xxx

  3. Dear Natalia,
    It's a good idea to combine the leopard print jumper with fake-fur collar and the snake print skirt. This looks very stylish and is great for you! Very nice also the pattern mix with the plaid blazer and the pretty bags!
    Hugs from Traude

  4. got internet again!
    totally loooove the look you´r wearing for this months MM!! its groovy and vintage-y and cool - yet not overstyled. it comes - of course - from all the fab pattern & texture mixing. well done my friend!
    @sweaters: here they are a necessity - hence they have to be stylish. with dull, only functional sweaters i would die of clothes boredom over winter ;-D
    it snowed again - guess we have a great winter this season :-D
    warm hugs and tons of love - modish matrons forever!! xxxxx

  5. woww, lovely mixed prints and textures!: lovely faux leather and knit, lovely animal prints, lovely color combo and lovely accessorizing! I think that the plaid jacket and the fur collar look amazing!. And your beret is so cute!

  6. I do agree with you, sweater can be both warm and stylish. I love to wear them. It is so much fun pairing them with skirts or even wearing them over dresses. Today I wore a cute lilac sweater with jeans and a puffer jacket when I went outside...and I was too warm. Out of the blue the cold disappeared and today we had a warm and sunny day. I've learned to love winter and the cold with years but I'm not complaining about the warmer weather either. It's all good.

    Your outfit is fantastic. I love how you mixed leopard print with tartan. Print mixing is always fun. The red bag is the perfect accessory. You look absolutely perfect dear!

  7. I absolutely love this outfit! Leopard print, emerald green and tartan with a little faux fur is just my kind of outfit! The red hat is the perfect finishing touch!

    Emma xxx

  8. Yes, yes - absolutely- to this look ! I love the way you combined animal prints in three different colors then added a plaid . That is just divine and I can see how much fun you had creating that outfit. This is why I love to see your OOTDs !
    The red beret is the cherry icing on the cake !
